
What is product label design? How to design a good product label

Product label design is like a mini advertisement—it grabs a customer’s attention while explaining what the product is and why it’s great.

They say not to judge a book by its cover, but we often judge products by packaging. A well-designed product label can make anything—from a jar of spices to a tub of beard balm—stand out on the shelf or on social media. For some shoppers, the label might be the deciding factor in purchasing. That’s a lot of responsibility for a product label.

If you’ve already created a memorable logo and solid visual branding for your small business, you’re halfway there. Here’s how to complete your branding with a great product label design.

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What is product label design?

Product label design is about how the graphics and information look on your product labels. Whether your customer sees your product on a store shelf or online, good product label design grabs their attention and highlights its purpose and benefits. An excellent product label looks good with the packaging and acts like a mini advertisement.

Product label designers ensure that the labels are appealing and contain significant information for viewers. They also understand that good labels are the foundation of good packaging and highly influence the chances of customers being drawn to the product.

Critical Elements of Product Label Design

Creativity is crucial when designing custom labels to attract consumers to your product. A good product label designing agency can help create labels that stand out. Here are the essential elements that product labels should have:

Product name: The product name should be one of the most noticeable parts of the label. A UI UX designer can ensure the name is clear and easily readable.

Brand logo: Placing your logo prominently helps people instantly recognize your brand. If you don’t have a logo or need an update, consider using a free logo maker. Shopify CRO experts can also provide valuable insights on optimizing your logo placement for better conversion.

Graphics and design elements: The colours, patterns, images, fonts, and layout should all match your brand’s style. A Dubai web designer can ensure that all these elements work together seamlessly to create a cohesive look.

Product description: This could be a simple sentence or a detailed story about the product, including production details and essential information. Depending on the product and local laws, you should add the net weight, ingredients list, best-by dates, and any certifications. Effective product label design ensures this information is clear and easy to find.

Tracking information: For warranties, returns, and tracking, leave space on your label for a barcode and serial numbers.

Instructions: Even the most straightforward products can benefit from a short guide.

Contact information: Many labels include a website for more information besides the manufacturing or packaging address. This helps consumers learn more about the product and your brand.

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Factors to Consider When Designing Your Product Label

Consider these factors when designing your product label:

Target audience: Who is your product for, and why should they buy it? Understanding their values and preferred visual style is crucial. A product label designing agency can help tailor the design to resonate with your audience.

Competitors: Look at your competitors’ labels to identify common themes. This can help you strategize how to make your product stand out. A UI UX designer can provide insights into creating a unique and attractive label.

Brand identity: Stick to your company’s brand guidelines to maintain consistency and build customer loyalty. Shopify CRO experts can help ensure your label design aligns with your brand strategy.

Size and shape of the container: The design and size of the packaging will affect the label format and content. For example, a small container might need a shorter product description. A web designer in Dubai can help optimize the layout to fit perfectly.

Material: The label material can influence how customers perceive your product. For instance, thick cardstock with embossed lettering suggests luxury, while a sleek matte sticker might imply a high-end tech item. Choosing a suitable material is critical to effective product label design.

Product purpose: Consider how the product will be used daily—kitchen or body products that might get wet need waterproof labels. Ensuring your label is practical for everyday use is vital to product label design.

How to design a good product label

A label is your product’s first impression. It tells customers what the product is and how to use it while instantly conveying your brand’s values. Here’s how to create a good product label design.

1️⃣ Conduct Research

First, you need to describe your target consumers and analyze your competitors. You can invite the people in the focus group as your target market or email the survey to those who subscribe to your emails. This will help you determine what type of ‘product label information ‘ they consider most valuable.

Analyzing your competitors and observing their product label designs, consider how to make yours unique and accurate to your brand. Several things can be done, and product label designers can assist you in deciphering this information and ensure you come up with a captivating label that brings the correct message.

They will make your label appealing to the eye and instil the customer’s sense of experience so that their decision-making process is guided to the product in question.

2️⃣ Set Your Budget

It’s easy to get excited about fancy design elements and high-end materials, but remember that expensive labels can increase the product’s final price, which might turn customers away. Depending on your budget, you can hire a product label design agency or create the label yourself using a free tool like Canva.

A UI UX designer can help you pick materials that look great with your product’s packaging without making it too expensive for customers. This way, you can get both a catchy and cheap label.

3️⃣ Collect Essential Product Information

Besides the product name, company logo, and description, there might be other essential details to include on your label. Before adding your brand messaging, collect the ingredient list, special certifications, bar code, and other important information.

A Shopify CRO expert can help ensure all this information is presented to improve customer experience and boost conversions. If you need a polished and professional look, consider hiring a web designer in Dubai to ensure your label is attractive and informative.

web designer in UAE

4️⃣ Design the Layout

Once you know what information your label needs to include and the materials you want to use, you can start planning your design. Whether sketching your idea on a napkin or using design software, consider the margins and “bleed area” to ensure everything prints correctly.

Expert product label designers can help ensure that your chosen product label design is properly done and aesthetically appealing. They will ensure that all the important details fit perfectly and look great.

5️⃣ Prioritize Information Hierarchy

Next, think about how you arrange the information on your label. A great label not only looks good but also displays critical details. Make sure the product name and your company logo stand out. You’ll also need space for ingredients, product information, a bar code, and price.

A product label designing agency can help you organize this information effectively. Aim for a size that’s easy to read: a six-point font is the smallest you should go, while a 10-point font is usually best for essential details. A UI UX designer can ensure everything is clear and visually appealing.

6️⃣ Balance Decorative Elements

It would help if you remembered that there are always a few tips for creating an outstanding graphic design for the label. An extra aesthetic item will be added to the page. At the same time, white space will ensure that the design does not look overloaded—design using two related fonts to distinguish forms of information while enhancing the overall look.

But do not clutter the label and make it hard to read or recognize from a distance. Limit the number of colours and the difficulty of the patterns to two or three at most. 

Step back and see your design layout from a distance when you are done. Well, does it grab the attention of a passerby or not? Can they read it easily? If so, ask what can be stripped down from the design. You may not even expect that this will enhance the outcome that much.

An expert in Shopify CRO can help you by providing tips on optimizing your label and generating more engagement. To get a professional touch, you should look for a web designer in Dubai. Label makers can guarantee that your labels have an appealing appearance and serve the purpose of differentiation in competitive-competitive markets.

If you’re starting, remember to start your Shopify journey with a well-designed label that captures your attention and communicates your brand message.

7️⃣ Review and Proofread

Get a copyeditor or a detail-oriented friend to review your text. They can check that everything is spelt correctly, makes sense, and is easy to read. A fresh set of eyes on your product label design can help you catch any mistakes or confusing phrasing you might have missed.

Product label designers can also be invaluable in this process. They have the expertise to spot errors and improve your label’s overall readability and appeal. Their professional touch can make a big difference in the final result.

8️⃣ Print Your Labels

The number of labels you need will help you decide the most cost-effective way to print them. For small batches, you can use a home printer. However, if you need a larger quantity, it’s best to use a printing service. This ensures your product label design looks professional and is produced efficiently.
