
What is Brand Identity Design? What are the Elements of Great Brand Identity Design?


Brand identity design is crucial when you’re turning your big dream into reality, whether by launching a business or filling a niche in the market. This is when your brand truly starts to form.

Think of your brand as a promise of what you stand for, the emotions you want to evoke, and the value you offer. It’s represented visually through your logo, chosen fonts, and colour scheme. These elements are guidelines that help shape your brand’s appearance at every stage.

Where do you start? A great way to get inspired is to look at successful companies with strong, memorable brands. Explore branding designs from different industries to get ideas. You can also learn how to make your brand shine from design experts.

What is Brand Identity Design?

Brand identity design is about creating your brand’s visual look. This includes everything from your logo to your photos’ style to your choice of colours. It sets up a system of rules and visuals that help shape how your website, social media, and packaging look.

Branding identity design goes beyond just making a logo or a name. It’s about figuring out the feelings you want people to have when they interact with your business, why your mission is essential, and the values you stand by. This process gives you a clear idea of what your brand stands for, guiding all your design choices.

If you need a Web designer in Dubai to help show off your brand’s look, pick someone who can carry these elements to all your online and offline materials. This helps keep your brand’s message clear and consistent no matter where people see it.

What Are the Key Elements of Effective Brand Identity Design?

Brand elements are the building blocks that define everything your brand stands for. As you create your brand’s visual look, here are some key terms you’ll encounter:


A logo is an image that stands in for your company. It can be a wordmark—primarily text—or an icon, which is just an image. People recognize your logo as their brand.


Choosing a colour scheme is essential for keeping your brand’s look consistent across all platforms, from your packaging to social media posts. This helps your brand maintain a cohesive identity everywhere it’s seen.


Typography involves the fonts you use and how you arrange and design text. A brand identity design company will typically provide guidelines that include a set of fonts and rules for how to use them. This ensures that your brand’s text is consistently presented and looks professional.

Brand Guidelines: 

Brand guidelines are a detailed set of rules about your brand’s style—from the tone of your messages to your hiring practices. A Shopify Plus agency might help establish these guidelines, which include a style guide.

This style guide details your typography system (a selection of fonts) and color scheme. It might also include a collection of brand assets and instructions for styling photographs, which are essential for a unified brand appearance.

Working with a brand identity design agency, especially one experienced in brand identity design in Dubai, ensures these elements are expertly tailored to represent your brand uniquely.


8 Stunning Brand Identity Design Examples

Now that you know the basics, let’s see how some successful businesses build their brands. In our list called 8 Stunning Brand Identity Design Examples, we’ll show you eight great examples of how companies use design to make their brands stand out and stick in people’s minds.

1️⃣ Omsom

Brand identity design is crucial for Omsom, which offers pre-mixed Southeast Asian and East Asian flavour packs. The company designed its visual style to reflect the founders’ energetic personalities, choosing bright and appealing colours. These colours do a great job of showing off the brand’s fun vibe and the bold tastes of its products.

Omsom stands out by embracing a colorful and vibrant style in a design world that often favors simplicity. This branding identity design highlights their lively and fun personality.

If you’re looking for a Web designer in Dubai who can create a standout and bold look like Omsom’s, their approach to using vivid and lively designs might be the perfect inspiration.

2️⃣ Mount Lai

Luxury brand identity design is a big part of Mount Lai, a beauty brand inspired by traditional Chinese medicine. They use a straightforward logo that looks good on their products, websites, and even spa accessories. Their brand also includes some pretty drawings, a few select fonts, and a simple colour scheme to complete their look.

Mount Lai’s website is easy to use because it has few clear fonts. This simple design helps make everything look calm and inviting. This approach is excellent if you’re looking for a Shopify Plus agency to help you create a website that’s easy to read and feels peaceful.

3️⃣ Atacz

Atacz is a bold brand with a clear goal: to create stylish accessories using sustainable practices and kind methods. Its brand identity design needed to appeal to fashion-forward customers through stunning photos and a modern look to match this mission. They also use clear and direct copy on their website to communicate their brand promise.

You’ll see how Atacz strikingly uses colour. They consistently use a bright orange accent, from their photos to pop-up buttons, to keep everything cohesive. If you’re considering working with a brand identity design agency or a brand identity design Dubai firm, Atacz’s use of colour and design might be a great example.

4️⃣ Glossier

Glossier is a well-known beauty brand that grew from the popular blog Into the Gloss. It took a simple approach to brand identity design and uses two prominent logos: a straightforward wordmark and a stylized “G.” As Skyler notes, “Sometimes something flashy and colourful isn’t needed.”

Where Glossier excels is in telling its story through visuals. Their social media posts, website content, and copy all connect with their audience. This attention to branding identity design helps them stand out without needing flashy designs.

If you’re looking for a Web designer in Dubai to create a clean and effective brand look, Glossier’s approach might be a great example of how simplicity can make a significant impact.

5️⃣ Big Bud Press

Big Bud Press is an ethical clothing brand from LA known for its bright and colourful jumpsuits, overalls, tote bags, and knitwear. With so many colours, it might seem like there needs to be a set brand colour scheme.

However, looking closely, you’ll see several consistent colour choices that tie everything together. Big Bud Press uses signature vintage oranges, golds, and ochres throughout their website, Instagram, storefront design, and cheerful sun logo. This approach shows how even a brand with a wide colour range can have a robust luxury brand identity design by using a few key colours to create a cohesive look.

6️⃣ Noted

Noted’s branding uses neutral colours to match its simple products. They add touches of nature-inspired colours across their website and social media posts. This thoughtful design helps create a certain feeling for their customers.

Their About page says, “We are part of your daily rituals, gatherings with loved ones, and are given as gifts to show how much you care. Each part of lighting a candle, the glow from the flickering flame, the warm fragrance wafting through the air, elicits personal emotions.” The way Noted handles brand identity design—from the logo to the website layout—helps tell this story visually.

Suppose you’re looking for a brand identity design company or a Shopify plus agency to help create a similar emotional and cohesive design for your brand. Noted’s approach might be a great example.

7️⃣ Schoolhouse

Schoolhouse is an ethically minded brand that makes lighting and home decor. Its goal is to create timeless pieces that help people build unique and meaningful spaces. Schoolhouse achieves this with modern fonts, simple layouts, and a vintage-inspired colour scheme.

Their brand identity design supports their mission by using a classic and fresh style.

If you’re looking for a brand identity design agency to create a similar look for your brand, you can take inspiration from Schoolhouse’s design approach.

For those interested in brand identity design in Dubai, Schoolhouse’s mix of modern and vintage elements is an excellent example of creating a stylish and meaningful brand.

8️⃣ Wild One

Wild One, a brand for pet accessories, clearly shares its mission on its website: “We’re on a mission to make life with your dog look as good as it feels.” But you don’t need to read the mission statement to get it—it’s evident when you visit their homepage. Wild One uses photos of Gen Z and millennial models and shows stylish lifestyles. They’ve carefully chosen brand elements, like a fresh colour palette, simple fonts, and a bold layout, to connect with their audience.

This approach to brand identity design makes their mission and style clear immediately.

For anyone interested in branding identity design, Wild One’s use of vibrant visuals and straightforward design is an excellent example of how to appeal to your target audience.

Final Words:

In summary, excellent branding design is essential for making your brand memorable and impactful. You can effectively share your brand’s values and connect with your audience by focusing on clear and consistent visuals in your logo, colour scheme, and fonts. Whether you’re just beginning or looking to improve your current brand, understanding these basic principles will help you create a standout brand.

Ready to take the next step? Start your Shopify journey today to build and grow your brand with these design tips in mind.
