
Top 6 Best SEO Techniques Every Marketer Should Focus On 2024

Best SEO agency tips

SEO techniques are vital because the way search engines like Google rank websites is always changing. At the beginning of the year, something may be good, but at the end, it could be better. Google updates its rules almost every day, but there are a few changes that make a big difference to our SEO plans.

Your e-commerce SEO techniques have to keep up with the always-changing dynamics. Since most people browsing through Google hit on the first link that comes their way, nothing much goes even on the second page of your search results. To stay ahead, update your tactics regularly, ensuring your site stays visible and attracts visitors.

You also get to use more advanced SEO techniques. Some other strategies that proved to work effectively for ranking better on some sites may fail to work due to updates by Google, but to keep your website at the top, then you have to be ready to take up the new methods as they evolve.

If, for example, you are based in Dubai and would need some help staying abreast of such shifts, an SEO agency in Dubai will come in highly handy. They focus on the dynamism of such updates and can help you in making your SEO strategy. It allows for maintaining or even reinforcing the standing of your website on the results page in such a way that traffic and potential customers continue to come.

Top 6 SEO Techniques Every Marketer Should Focus On 2024

Check out the Top 6 SEO techniques every marketer should focus on in 2024 for more website traffic and ranking improvement. The techniques presented can help you see better returns on your investments (ROIs). For you, dear reader, continue reading, and you will be able to learn more about these techniques and maybe pick up some useful tools for optimizing your site in 2024!

1️⃣ Speed Up Your Website’s Loading Time

In 2024, page loading speed will be not only for Google rankings but also for user satisfaction. Fast-loading websites will be indispensable, as they expect quick answers from online users, and Google tries to satisfy that. And since 2010, page speed has been the number one factor that’s going to make or break how well your site ranks – users hate waiting.

This is why speed is one of the most important SEO techniques. 46% of respondents found it annoying to wait for pages to load while browsing on mobile. Just 53% of mobile site visitors leave a page that takes longer than three seconds to load.

To increase your site’s speed, you can reduce server response time, optimize images using tools like JPEG Optimizer or Tiny PNG, minimize CSS, JavaScript, and HTML files, and eliminate error pages while reducing redirects.

In addition, be sure to implement local SEO techniques. Ensuring that your website remains fast helps ensure that it’s in a position to compete in local search results.

For Shopify businesses, working on Shopify CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) could optimize the site even more. It means that the website would not only have very fast load times but also be optimal in all its aspects, enhancing both user experience and conversion rates.

For example, there are Google PageSpeed Insights, Pingdom Speed Test, and GTmetrix. All these tools can portray to you humanly how fast your site is and what improvements can be made. This is very important for the upkeep of a quick and healthy website.

2️⃣ Implement Schema Markup on Key Pages

However, even as Google’s algorithms change, your website’s content still plays a big part in your search ranking, as the way search engines understand and judge content improves over time.

Google has recently become way better at understanding what people mean when they search for something. That allows us to give out more relevant search results. In fact, many website owners need to learn how important it is to use schema markup and structured data. This on-page SEO technique makes your website effectively communicate information to search engines.

Examples of schema markup:

  • Ratings
  • Events
  • Local Business
  • Recipes
  • FAQs

Schema markup gives more information to your site for both users and Google. This personalizes your site to make you stand out in search results and gain more visibility, as Google might feature your information.

It’s very easy to use this new SEO tactic. If you run a SaaS business, it might be possible to work with the best SEO services in Dubai. This will help you select the correct types of schema for your content, hence enabling them to be search engine-friendly. An SEO agency in Dubai would offer you professional help with the proper setup of schema markup to ensure that your website communicates well with the search engines, hence adding to your overall visibility over the internet.

SEO agency work

3️⃣ Tailor Your Content for Voice Search

Voice Search Optimization technology allows humans to easily perform Internet searches using their voice. It has gained an immense following due to its speed over typing. New voice search technologies make it possible to recognize natural language, which makes it much easier for users to find specific things on the web.

Almost 40% of adults use voice search on their phones every day. With such brisk adoption, it has become a sensible option for reorienting your business towards voice-command optimization using e-commerce SEO techniques. This literally means that more people can find your business just by speaking on their devices.

Below are some tips for making your site more available and responsive to voice search.

Write in a conversational, organic way. This will help voice searches work at their best with a naturally sounding language. Making your content easy to understand will bring and retain new customers. Use descriptive phrases, and they are what are referred to as “long-tail keywords.”

People speak much clearer than they do while typing and use very long phrases to put their points across. It would help if you used such keywords to capture that spirit. For example, in a clothing store, aim for “sustainable high-waist leggings” rather than simply “leggings.”.

Follow these advanced SEO techniques to ensure your content speaks up in voice searches. If you need further help with that, an SEO agency in Dubai will likely be the best source to guide and provide professional support in making sure your site is fully optimized for voice searches and, therefore, reaches more of your customers.

4️⃣ Update Your Google My Business Regularly

Your Google My Business listing has all the crucial information a person would want about your business: the location, times open, and how they can reach you.

This is, therefore, one of those most important SEO techniques that you always use to keep the information updated. The fresher your details are, the more likely customers will respond to your listing, and it’s good for searches in ‘Near Me’ that people use to find nearby services.

Utilize maximum listing with local SEO techniques. It offers frequent updates and keeps any searcher looking for what you offer right on the money. It makes it easier for the customer to decide whether to pop in.

Shopify store owner? Devote efforts to Shopify CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization). This isn’t just your Google My Business listing but other areas of the site, so visitors are far more likely to become buyers. And what a difference just simple changes can make in how easily potential customers can become engaged with your business online.

5️⃣ Clean Up Spammy Backlinks

Backlinks used to be everything in the SEO game. Now, they still do matter a lot, but in the eyes of Google, it’s all about quality over quantity.

In November 2021, Google updated its algorithm and announced that it would no longer consider spammy low-quality backlinks, as previous updates had. It didn’t penalize any site in particular, but it also ceased considering the majority of the backlinks. This is the exact change from how some sites rank lower than before.

You receive many emails with offers to sell you backlinks, and the prices are usually too low to escape temptation. Most such offers are typically sent from websites with deficient domain authority or apply somewhat shady SEO practices. That is where being armed with knowledge in some of the on-page SEO techniques is handy, for they improve your site’s credibility to the readers based on its content rather than relying heavily on outside linking.

Tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, Moz, and Majestic can be used to track all those backlinks and check their quality. These are among the most used SEO tools by most SaaS marketing agencies, and they have paid and free versions.

If you want the best Dubai SEO services, you must visit the best SEO agencies in Dubai. Most importantly, they guide you on managing the strategy so your backlink helps and doesn’t harm your rank.

SEO techniques for marketers

6️⃣ Focus on Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T)

Google generally keeps changing its search algorithms; there is, in fact, one idea that can help you achieve long-term success in SEO. What is EAT? EAT stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness of a site when it comes to assessing by Google its quality. Such websites are much more likely to be ranked highly, implying significantly higher credibility and trust.

EAT and SEO: Why EAT is Important for SEO

You may have noticed from the above data that the most significant Google updates always revolve around the user experience. Google is not a fan of websites that only stuff keywords at the expense of quality. It, however, prefers the ones with quality assurance, like mobile appearance (appealing to the eyes), security (HTTP), and speeding up loading (using good core web vitals).

EAT is another way Google tries to ensure websites meet high standards.

E-commerce SEO techniques can improve your EAT by making your site look more professional and reliable.

How to use EAT

So, how could E-A-T be applied to make your website better?

  • Expertise: Make sure that your content is fact-based and well-researched. Your knowledge of the subject is evident.
  • Authority: Earn links from well-known sites. This means other leaders view your content as valuable.
  • Trustworthiness: Demonstrate to the new visitors that you are a credible business with positive customer reviews.

We would cover these steps in advanced SEO, as the techniques set up your site as an authority in Google’s eyes. All these strategies more humanely help any Dubai resident; you must check an SEO agency in Dubai. Here is the place to find seasoned professionals to ensure your site complies with all of Google’s latest requirements and help you get better EAT ratings to aid in high rankings.


This blog helped clarify some powerful SEO techniques and strategies for increasing your website’s traffic and conversions from 2024 onward. Achieving success with SEO takes time but is all about consistency.

Focusing mainly on these essential SEO techniques—improving page speed, adding Schema Markup, and optimizing for voice search—will enhance your SEO effort and drive the site to the first position on Google’s search result page.

But these are not the usual tips that everybody applies; these are the local SEO tactics of the higher order that can put you above your competition. Yes, it’s more labor-consuming and should be done regularly, but it’s worth doing when you want to reach the highest result in search engine rankings.

Conversely, if the issue concerns website optimization for a Shopify website, the solution should be Shopify CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization). This includes modifying your website using on-page SEO techniques to improve user experience and optimize conversion rates even further, something very needed for any online business.

If a resident of Dubai wants to improve their SEO, they should work with the best SEO services company in Dubai. For example, qualified Dubai SEO services professionals should be professional enough to give you advice and execute these advanced strategies so that your site enjoys its full potential.
